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Thor-Inge Storbrua

Director Strategy and Business Development 

Yara Fertilizers

Roberto acted as technical advisor for a year in the Serra do Salitre Mineral Complex (Phosphate Minerals). He brought his vaste experience from the phosphate and mining industries, delivering valuable advisory regarding to  the technical and strategic aspects of the development.

When I was the CEO of B&A Mineração, a Joint Venture between AGN-Par and BTG Pactual, Roberto was the head of fertilizers business. He led the greenfield project  Bonito, a mining and processing enterprise in the North of Brazil. Roberto led the project implementation, including the reserves certification, regulatory affairs, mine development and processing plant construction. He brought a unique processing technology for phosphate in the Brazilian ores. He also jump started all the marketing and commercial structure for the Phosfaz products in the region. Under his leadership, the project went from greenfield to a full-scale operation in just 15 months.


Eduardo Ledsham


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Christian Marzo

Business Development | Product Management


Roberto is a well-rounded, gifted executive with an impressive international business track record at Fortune 500 companies. I had the privilege to meet Roberto in 2001 in Argentina, when I was transferred to assist Bunge with the execution of the acquisition of its first fertilizer company outside Brazil. I reported to Roberto for over three years and have seen him in action. Working for Roberto is exciting, as he is open to new ideas and highly versatile leading global, matrix teams. He has mastered the fine art to bring out the best in people.

I worked with Roberto in two moments: The first opportunity appeared when Roberto was the Alecy Fertilizer CEO  for 2 Years in Bunge Argentina to integrate this business  into our operations. Roberto showed outstanding leadership skills in his assignments. His management role in the Alecy Project was instrumental to allow the successful integration of the asset into our portfolio. Later, when I was the sponsor of the successful IT integration initiative of several global Bunge projects, he led the project as Bunge CIO. 

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Raul Padilla 

President Global Operations

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Alberto Coppedê Jr

Biolix Technology

We hired Roberto as technical and commercial advisor in the development of BIOLIX, an innovative production technology of phosphate fertilizers. He brought all his experience and knowledge of the fertilizer industry into the strategic review of our business plan. His contributions created great clarity of the technical and commercial challenges and the alternatives to overcome them.

In my role as the VP of Corporate Development at MBAC/Itafos, I worked closely with Roberto in his role as COO and later as President.  Roberto brought significant knowledge and experience of the fertilizer business.  He was a great partner and was very enthusiastic in his support in our developing relationships with institutional investors and with other strategic players in the fertilizer space.  Under his leadership we launched our commercial strategy to introduce products in the local markets in Brazil in which we operated.

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Interim President and CEO
Angus Gold Inc.

Steve Burleton

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Edwyn Neves

Board Member  
B&A - BTG Pactual

Roberto was head of fertilizers at B&A Mineração, leading the Bonito Project, a green field phosphate fertilizer mining and processing. Roberto was in charge of EPCM, implementation and comercial development. The Bonito complex was up, running and selling products in just 15 months, an outstanding accomplishment in the industry.

Roberto executed the conceptual study and CAPEX revision for the Projeto Mineração Brejinho. The Project is a strategic and challenging surface mining of potassium rock, critical fertilizing element for Brazilian agribusiness. Roberto provided valuable insights, maturing the Project to the implementation phase.


Ingo Wender

Advanced Potash

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